First of all, the picture is not of any of us up on top. I havnt had time to scan any pictures yet, nor have i really even taken any pictures of us doing and things, due to the fact that we have tapped everything so far. But anywaz, my friends and I have decided to make a jackass type movie. Not sure on the name yet, but at the looks of it, it would be Jr. Dumbass. We do things ranging from dressing in a bear costume and beating me with sticks, too swallowing types of fish!!!! We are a crazy group of kids, but we just like to have fun. If you have any ideas or want to hear more about some of the stuff we have done and want some ideas or want to exchange ideas, email me at littlejohn739@yahoo.com. I will reply to all emails i get involving this site. Please try to label the email something like jackass ideas or I may think its junk mail and just delete it, sorry if I do. If I dont respond soon, try to email me again and make a noticeable subject. Thanx, and again enjoy!!!!! |
Some of the things we have done already.
Like I said before, we are a crazy group of people and do like to have fun. I will list a few of the crazy and not so crazy things we have already done. Rolled down a huge hill in a huge tire from 3/4 the way up (felt like puking after that!!!!) Swallowed live fish, dressed in a bear costume and beat me with sticks, beat me with sticks bare backed, slid down a huge hill on the icyest day on small sled's and weird costumes, slid down a steep driveway in small tight ass pants that had half my ass hanging out on the same icy day, gone of numerous jumps with bikes in snow and just plain day, waxed my legs, and many other things. We have many ideas yet to come and by the time you read this site we might have done more so you can email me at littlejohn739@yahoo.com to ask me if we have done more or have made a final video and stuff. Have fun viewing the site thanx!!!!! |
Sorry people, right now we currently have no pictures we can put on here because everything we have done so far has been tapped and I dont have enough web space to insert any movies. Ill keep trying to find a way to maybe insert a movie or two and ill try to get some pictures off the movie clips. thanx for understanding
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Sorry no pics yet
We have done many crazy things and will try to take a few pictures of us doing new things or of the movies as soon as we can thanx.
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